It is so tempting to use credit cards, especially when you're planning a wedding. There are so many expenses, big and small, that it seems logical to buy now, pay later.
But it's not logical. It's dangerous, it's bad for your credit rating, and it's never good to start a marriage off with debt. This article, from outlines the seven times you should NOT use your credit card. It's good advice all the time, but even more so when you're in that spending frenzy known as wedding planning. Be smart! Your wallet and your credit score will thank you!
But it's not logical. It's dangerous, it's bad for your credit rating, and it's never good to start a marriage off with debt. This article, from outlines the seven times you should NOT use your credit card. It's good advice all the time, but even more so when you're in that spending frenzy known as wedding planning. Be smart! Your wallet and your credit score will thank you!